Skincare Tips & Tricks

Hello again for the last time! I know it’s kind of sad because it’s been an interesting journey writing these. I haven’t covered everything you could possibly cover about skincare but I tried to get the main points in. So in my final BONUS blog, I will share more of my tips and tricks to make your skincare routine easier and ensure you’re not using products incorrectly.   Tip 1: apply products on DAMP skin. This is particularly aimed at products with hyaluronic acid. This is because hyaluronic acid is a humectant that draws in water from your surroundings e.g. moisture on your skin and air and takes it into the deeper layers of your skin. Therefore, if there’s no moisture to take in, it actually does the opposite and takes out  the moisture from within which can cause dry and dehydrated skin. For other products besides hyaluronic acid, applying to damp skin allows for better absorption unless product labels state to use on dry skin such as some cleansers and exfoliating ...

What is My Skin Type? Part 2

Hello again :) This follows my previous blog where I introduced you to different skin types and a basic routine.


How to identify your skin type?

There are a few methods, one is just looking at your face throughout the day and checking its condition e.g. is it oily or dry? And whereabouts? But if you don’t have time to check all day, another method involves:

  1. After cleansing, do not apply any products for up to 30 minutes
  2. During this time, observe the oil production levels (if any) on your face, and match with the corresponding skin types below
  3. OR after waiting, use blotting papers and place them on each section of your face e.g. cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and observe the amount of oil it absorbed. Again, match with the corresponding skin types below.

 skincare, skin, lifestyle, cosmetics, influencer, blogger, skincare routine, beauty, quiz, skin types, blotting paper test, tips, products, natyourlife

Normal: has a balanced water-oil proportion, no flakiness nor excess oil. Skin looks smooth, pores are of minimal size and less likely prone to breakouts. Blotting paper will probably have minimal oil too.

Dry: lacks oil which can cause rough, flaky and/or scaly skin. It may also feel tight and dehydrated if it lacks water. It is more prone to visible lines and irritation. Blotting paper will have little to no oil.

Oily: produces excess oil, resulting in oily, shiny and/or greasy skin. It is more nourished in a way but this means it is prone to acne and breakouts, and enlarged and clogged pores. Blotting paper should absorb a lot of oil on the whole face.

Combination: typically has properties of dry or normal skin on the cheeks and properties of oily skin on the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin – the shape of a T on your face). This skin type can be harder to look after because of the two different skin types. Blotting paper should be oily on the T-zone and minimal everywhere else i.e. the cheeks.

(Paula's Choice, 2021) (CeraVe, 2021)


Fun fact: I had dry skin my whole life and until my late teens, it became more combination. Not sure the reason but maybe it’s because I started to drink more water…and that’s a reminder to stay hydrated at all times!

I hope this helps you to find out what your skin type is! Still confused? This video is helpful and explains it in more detail: 

Please note that your skin can change so don’t be surprised if one day, you find that your skin is oiler or drier. Let me know what your skin type is below!



CeraVe (2021). What Skin Type Do I Have? [online] CeraVe. Available at:

Paula's Choice (2021). How to determine your skin type. [online] Paula’s Choice. Available at:


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